Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition affecting over 7 million people, characterized by cracked, scaly, inflamed, red, and raised skin. This condition can cause significant pain and embarrassment. Thanks to medical advancements and a better understanding of psoriasis’s inflammatory pathways, patients now have access to improved treatment options.
Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Solomon Brickman of Houston Laser Skin Center has extensive experience helping psoriasis patients. While there is no cure for psoriasis, Dr. Brickman can prescribe various treatments to alleviate symptoms.
What causes psoriasis?
Psoriasis is considered an immune-system disorder with genetic and environmental factors. It involves the immune system’s T cells mistakenly attacking healthy skin cells, leading to the accumulation of extra skin cells on the skin’s surface.
Psoriasis is non-contagious and cannot be contracted through contact. However, it often runs in families, increasing the risk for those with a family history of the condition.
Several triggers can cause psoriasis flare-ups, including:
- Stress
- Skin injury (cuts or sunburns)
- Infections (such as strep throat)
- Certain medications (lithium, prednisone, hydroxychloroquine)
- Cold, dry weather
- Tobacco use
- Heavy alcohol consumption
What are the different types of psoriasis?
Psoriasis can manifest in several forms. Regardless of symptom severity, consulting a dermatologist like Dr. Brickman is crucial before the condition worsens.
- Plaque Psoriasis: The most common type, affecting about 80% of patients. It appears as raised red lesions covered in silvery-white scales, primarily on the knees, scalp, elbows, and back.
- Guttate Psoriasis: Characterized by small red spots on the torso and limbs, typically appearing during childhood or early adulthood. Often triggered by bacterial infections like strep throat.
- Inverse Psoriasis: Bright-red lesions develop in skin folds such as the armpits, groin, and under the breasts. Sweat and friction often worsen the pain and irritation.
- Pustular Psoriasis: Triggered by medication, ultraviolet light, pregnancy, or infection, it results in white, pus-filled blisters surrounded by red skin.
- Erythrodermic Psoriasis: A rare form causing generalized redness and scaling over a large area of the body, which can have serious consequences if untreated.
- Nail Psoriasis: Characterized by thickened and yellow nails with visible pitting.
- Psoriatic Arthritis: Affects about one-third of psoriasis patients, causing joint stiffness and pain, which can lead to permanent, irreversible joint damage if untreated.
What psoriasis treatments are available?
While psoriasis is chronic, it can be effectively managed with various treatments aimed at reducing inflammation and normalizing skin cell production. Your treatment plan will be tailored to the type and severity of your psoriasis.
Treatment Options:
- Topical Treatments: Ointments containing vitamin D, corticosteroids, or topical retinoids can effectively address mild to moderate symptoms by targeting skin-cell growth and inflammation.
- Phototherapy: Exposure to natural sunlight or narrowband ultraviolet-B light (NBUVB) can slow down skin cell production and improve skin appearance.
- Oral Medications: Drugs such as vitamin A, apremilast, methotrexate, or cyclosporine may be prescribed for severe cases to help calm symptoms.
- Biologic Medications: Administered via injection or IV infusion, biologics are highly effective in treating plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis by blocking specific immune system parts responsible for plaque formation or joint damage. Most biologics can be self-injected at home after proper training.
In addition to medical treatments, maintaining a regular skincare routine with gentle cleansing and moisturizing can help reduce symptoms. Avoiding triggers like alcohol, stress, smoking, and covering affected areas during sleep can also minimize irritation.
Request an appointment about your psoriasis at our Houston clinic
If you are dealing with psoriasis, seeking treatment is essential. Board-Certified dermatologist Dr. Solomon Brickman has helped numerous Houstonians manage their psoriasis symptoms. Our clinic on FM 1960 West is conveniently located for residents in Jersey Village, Cypress, Spring, Copperfield, Fairfield, and other Northwest Houston communities. Request an appointment today.